The holidays can be a super busy time of the year. Obviously this year is a little bit different. No work Christmas parties, nights out with friends or holiday tropical vacays. But, being home doesn’t mean we are finding it any easier to maintain our healthy lifestyles during the holidays. Being home can actually make a lot of us feel even less motivated in our fitness and wellness routines. Here are 5 tips to help you keep up your healthy habits during the holidays.

x Indulge consciously.
It’s important to remember to enjoy yourself, but also to take the time to indulge with intention and mindfulness. Ed Mylett said something that has stuck with me – “It’s a holiday not a holi-week”! Enjoy your favourite peppermint mocha latte, but with swap the ingredients for ones that are more nourishing to your body. Take the time to savour your food and be aware of when you are full. Remember, the 5th bite of cake tastes the same as the 3rd.

x Create a mindfulness practice for yourself.
Find a small centering ritual for yourself when you feel like you need a moment for yourself. Whether you’re at home with your parents, stuck in a small apartment with your significant other or home with kids for 2 weeks – it’s okay to need a moment for yourself. Try practice a breathing technique, turning on a short meditation or even going on a quick walk.

x Stay active.
Being on vacation (or rather stay-cation this year) doesn’t mean you should abandon the fitness routine you’ve worked hard to maintain all year. Fitness is apart of your self-care routine. Keep it short and sweet, but make it count. HIIT workouts are a great way to get your heart rate up. Check out Fit Fomo for amazing workouts!

x Stick to your routine and schedule.
We all deserve a sleep in (or 5) during the holiday season, but maintaining are regular routine can help start your new year strong. Stick to your regular eating habits, instead of skipping meals to prepare for your big holiday meals – which can actually lead to binging and over-indulging. Stick to your workout, skincare and sleep routine so you don’t shock your body once your vacation time is over.

x Just chill.
It’s okay to give yourself a break from time to time. We all deserve some time off. Don’t be so hard on yourself on those days you want to stay in your bathrobe and watch Netflix all day!

How are you maintaining your healthy habits this holiday season?