I see it over and over again. A client is ready to lose weight, get into shape, so she promises herself to eat less and workout more. She cuts back on her calories more and more, and works out harder and harder – but makes NO progress towards her goals. She then presents me with a food diary of the food she’s been eating and is shocked when the first thing I say to her is “You’re not eating enough.”

Our body’s require a wide range of nutrients to help it function at a minimal level everyday. These nutrients include vitamins and minerals, CALORIES (yes, calories), carbs, protein and fat. Carbs are used as the preferred source of fuel for your brain and muscles, while fat helps repair and heal your body’s cells.

If you are looking to lose weigh and fat, yes you need to be in a slight caloric deficit. But you also need to be eating enough of the RIGHT food to help support your body and it’s everyday functions – like keeping your hormones balanced, your immune system strong and the building of muscle. Almost every client I speak to think by cutting their calories down to the bare minimum that they will lose weight. Well, I’m here to tell you that that is FALSE.

When you start eating less and training more, your body starts to hang on the body fat because your body goes into starvation mode, which actually leads to burning fewer calories and slowing down your metabolism to hang on to healthy tissue. Your body may then also start to break down muscle tissue for energy. Every heard of the term “skinny fat”? That’s what happens to most people that do endless amounts of cardio and doesn’t eat enough. Our body uses energy and burns calories by just breathing. If you’re not supplying your body with the adequate energy to do even that we have a problem.

If you’ve been trying to hit your goals with no success – whether it’s fat loss, muscle gain or just improving your overall fitness – I’m going to give you a couple suggestions on what to do.

x Keep a food diary
Record 3-5 days of your typical meals from day to day. Be sure to include portion sizes and any valuable information. You can use an app like My Fitness Pal or record it in a notebook.

x Calculate your TDEE
You can literally type in TDEE on google or try this link!
Your TDEE if an estimation of how many calories you burn everyday by just being a human. That will give you an idea of how many calories you should be eating just to get up in the morning – excluding any exercise.

x Compare the two.
Compare your current calorie in take to your suggesting intake – do they match up? Is your current intake lower than your suggested intake. If so, then it’s time to tweak your diet. Keep in mind that if you are also exercising everyday, that means your calorie intake is even lower. You may need to bring your calorie intake back up to maintenance for 6-87 weeks before your body is ready to lose any weight. If you are unsure about what this all means, try reaching out to a nutritionist, health coach or trainer to help guide you in the right direction.

x Tune into your body.
How do you feel? Are you tired, do you feel lethargic, have trouble concentrating, rely on coffee to get by? Do you feel irritable and mood or have any intense food cravings? Do you get bad headaches or migraines. The first sign for me that I haven’t eaten enough during the day is a sudden overwhelming feeling of tiredness, usually accompanied with a headache.

Under-eating can lead to so many health problems, like hair loss, missed periods, low immunity – among others. There is a way to lose weight and fat SAFELY without depriving yourself from the fuel you need to be your best self. Losing weight at the expense of your health is NEVER worth it.
