I’ve suffered from terrible IBS for as long as I can remember, and Iam always looking for and trying new supplements that can help ease my symptoms. Inulin has been soooo good for my IBS. Every morning routine I’ve posted in the past 6 months has included a video of me making coffee (duh) and then mixing a questionable white powder into it. Now you guys know how I get all my energy – KIDDING! This white powder isn’t a drug, it’s a fibre called INULIN.

+ What is Inulin?
Inulin is a SOLUBLE PLANT FIBRE present in chicory root, Jerusalem artichokes and other common product like whole wheat, onions, bananas, garlic and asparagus. These plants are also known as PREBIOTIC FOODS. Prebiotics are non-digestible fibre compounds that are fermented by the gut microflora and are used as a source of fuel to help enhance gut flora health. Think of all of the fermented foods we’re told are good for us – kimchi, kombucha, sauerkraut, kefir and more. Keep in mind, that those of you are that are sensitive to FODMAPs should probably avoid inulin, as it is a type of fructan-oligofructose carb.

+ What are the benefits of inulin?
x Reduces Constipation
x Promotes the production of healthy bacteria in the gut
x Ferments in the gut to feed healthy intestinal microflora
x Can help you feel more satisfied and reduce cravings due to the fibre content
x Boosts heart health
x May aid in calcium absorption

+ Taking inulin as a supplement
As you have seen, I add inulin powder to my coffee every morning. It’s become apart of my daily morning routine and has helped a lot of my IBS symptoms – like bloating and gas (maybe TMI but I am here to share the info ppl!). I love adding it to my morning coffee because it has no taste, helps promote good digestion from the second you wake up and helps you start your morning regular (wink, wink).

The inulin powder I take is by THE METHOD – and comes from Morocco. It is made from Jerusalem Artichoke Root and is the purest form on the Market. I haven’t tried any other brands so this is the one that was recommended to me and that I now recommend as well. I also find a lovely lady named Patricia who owns The Wright Way and sells it in Montreal and offers super fast delivery – like one day fast.

If you are new to taking inulin it’s important you start with a VERY SMALL DOSE. I repeat VERY SMALL – like 1/8th of tsp small. After a couple weeks you can start to increase your dose – I’m 6+ months in and still only take 1/2 tsp and that will probably be my max. I made the mistake of trying to take 2 doses a day – one before bed – which was causing me severe acid reflux at night. For me, 1/2 tsp a day is the perfect amount and doesn’t cause any negative side effects.

I will say, the first few days I had slight bloating and gas – which is totally normally and happens when you increase your fibre intake.

Please remember I am not a doctor, I’m just sharing my experience and what has been working for me. Please speak to a doctor or nutritionist if you are someone that suffers from any digestive disorders and are unsure if inulin will help you or not.

Hope that helped clarify the mysterious white powder I put in my drink! If you have any more questions LMK!
