My top wellness hacks that make it easier to be your best self!

New year. New health and wellness goals. We all start the new year wanted to be and feel healthier. More energy, get more fit, be less bloated, have better skin. But the truth is there isn’t a miracle diet or a specific workout that will change your life. When it comes to our wellness and health, it is all encompassing and requires consistency.

We are all different and optimizing our health should mean create small personalized good habits that make you feel you’re best. It can be hard to stay consistent in these habits and that’s why I created this cheat sheet for you to make things a little bit easier.

x Make sleep a priority.

Above all else, if there is one thing I can recommend for everyone’s health it’s to SLEEP MORE and SLEEP BETTER. Do whatever you can to make sure you are getting optimal rest every night. Start small by going to bed 5-10 minutes earlier every night until you’ve accumulated an extra hour of sleep. Reduce screen time before bed or take a supplement to help you with sleep quality.

x Meal prep.

If there is one thing I recommend to all my clients, it’s to prep their meals. If they aren’t willing to do full on meal prep, I at least them them to prep their fruits and veggies. Schedule in time after grocery shopping – for me it’s usually on Sunday – to prep for the beginning of the week. Make a soup, prepare and freeze meat balls, sliced peppers and carrots to keep in a container, wash and dry your berries. This way there is not excuse during the week when you are looking for a healthy snack or just too lazy to put in the work.

x Start your day with a plan.

5 minutes is all you need to write down your to-do lists for the day. You can use one of my wellness tools to plan out your daily schedule. Start with the most important and hardest tasks first when you have the most energy and motivation.

x Move your body everyday even if it’s for 15 minutes.

Movement is always better than no movement. We don’t all have the time for 45 minute long workouts everyday. Make 15 minutes of movement your priority, and if you can do more even better. Another tip is to move twice a day for 10-15 minutes, instead of once for 30 minutes. Setting smaller goals for yourself makes them more attainable.

x Drink water every time you have a coffee or beverage during the day.

For every none water beverage you drink, drink 2 cups of coffee. This will ensure you hydrate your body effectively and not let dehydrating drinks reak havoc on your body. I also make sure to drink 2 cups of h2o right when I wake up in the morning so I start my day hydrated.

x Schedule in your workouts.

You’ve heard me say this 4000 times already and I’m going to say it again. Scheduling in your workouts makes them non-negotiable. You wouldn’t schedule a meeting and not show up. Same goes for your workouts.

x Don’t forget about your downtime.

My wind-down routine is everything. It’s apart of my self-care routine and is a non-negotiable for me. Whether I have an hour before bed or just 10 minutes, I make sure to do things that help put me in a calm and relaxed headspace before hitting the pillow.
