If you’ve been following my on IG for a while, you know I love my routines. They help keep me sane and consistent. Everything from my morning routine, skincare, to-do lists, to how I make my coffee. I am VERY specific about my daily routine and how I structure my day.

Here are my daily non-negotiables that I do everyday, even when I don’t want to.

Eating healthy is just apart of my routine. I don’t overcomplicate it and don’t overthink it. I focus on eating whole, unprocessed foods as much as I can. However, I do get cravings. I love to order in and love sweets. My diet is extremely balanced and I don’t believe in cheat days. But I do have some sort of sweet everyday, usually after dinner. 

Do I believe drinking water can solve all your problems? No. Do I believe drinking water can solve a lot of your problems? Yes! When I’m feeling sluggish or feel a migraine coming on, I run to drink a glass of water. I always drink 2 cups of water for every hour I workout, on top of the 2-3 L I try to drink daily. Try using one of these motivational water bottles to help track your water intake.

I don’t care how tired, how hungover or how lazy I am – I NEVER, and I mean legit not once in the past 5 years – skip my skincare routine. Even if I have to majorly simplify it for a lazy day you can bet I will never go to bed without washing my makeup off and moisturizing. Same in the AM, Vitamin C, SPF, moisturizer are non-negotiables.

Whether it’s an intense sweaty 45 minute workout session or 10 minutes walking Mo, I make it a priority to get in some form of movement everyday. Not just for my physical health, but for my mental sanity. I do however believe in the importance of rest days, and like to usually do some kind of active recovery day like stretching, yoga or walking.

Okay, I do this almost everyday except for Sunday – which I think is very fair. Even though it’s a small accomplishment, I truly feel that making my bed in the morning sets the tone for the day. Making your bed means you accomplished the first tasks of the day, which gives you that encouragement to keep going all day! 

To-do lists for me are a must. I plan my day by writing down my 3 top priorities of the day, and then continue with my other tasks for the day. Those 3 tasks are a MUST for the day. Checkout my free downloadable daily planner here. I’ve also started bringing a notebook into bed with me to write down my to-do list for the following day. It helps me wind down better and not stay awake all night thinking about what I have to do the next day. 

I’m still not perfect at this one yet, but because I don’t work a 9 to 5 job, I have the habit of carrying my work over into bed. It’s a TERRIBLE habit, I don’t suggest it. I’ve been working hard to cut myself off of working by 7 pm, and the difference in my sleep habits and work productivity is MAJOR! I need that time to help my brain shut off and mentally prepare for bed. I usually like to take a bath, do my skincare, put away my phone/computer, watch TV with Jer or read before bed.