Supplements tend to be a controversial topic. I was also a firm believer that you can get sufficient amounts of vitamins from eating a well-balanced diet. But, that’s not always the case. Especially being someone that suffers from IBS and digestive issues, it is common that not even though I eat a nutrient-dense diet, not all of the nutrients are getting properly absorbed into my body.

I still do stand by eating nutrient-dense foods to get the majority of your vitamins and nutrients, research does show that supplements will only be absorbed by your body if your body needs them. Taking a simple blood test can help your doctor determine what you are deficient in and what vitamins you should be taking daily.

However, there are many vitamins that the majority of the population are deficient in, especially those of us that live in colder climates.

Right around the time of daylight savings, I was suffering from terrible migraines that were affecting my sleep quality and daily life. After getting a series of blood tests and consulting with a dietitian (and amazing recommendations from Val aka nodiet.dietitian) , the following supplements were recommended to me and I’m still shocked how much they have helped my migraines. I’ve also included supplements that I take that have improve my energy, digestion and overall well-being.

Did you know that it is recommended that we get 10-30 minutes of midday sunlight to maintain healthy blood levels of Vitamin D? If you live in Canada like me, you know that that is nearly impossible with every winter day being greyer then the next. Vitamin D works to support our immune system, regulate mood and helps combat depression. If you are feeling lethargic and suffering from SAD (seasonal affective disorder) try upping your Vitamin D.

I take 2000IU of Sisu Vitamin D3 everyday, in conjunction with the next supplement for optimal absorption.

Foods rich in Vit D3:
x Salmon
x Canned Tuna
x Egg yolks

Omega-3 fatty acids EPA and DHA are vitamin to good health, and help support the body’s ability to prevent chronic diseases and protect against inflammation. They also help to enhance absorption and metabolic function. This is one of the reasons I take it with my Vitamin D3 – to help the delivery of nutrients to the blood.

I take 1000 mg of Sisu Omega 3 (ps: they also make a vegetarian version).

B complex vitamins are used as treatments for headache, fatigue, mood, stress and menstrual disorders. Our body doesn’t store B vitamins, as they are water-soluble, which means our diet must supply them each day. Most people do get the recommended dose of through their diet alone, as they are found in a wide variety of foods. However, people who suffer headaches and migraines are recommended a daily dose of Vitamin B2 (aka riboflavin) to help prevent their symptoms, as well as vegetarians/vegan. ALSO did you know birth control pills can deplete several B vitamins, so that may be something to look at it if you are on the pill. Just a warning though, they will turn your pee radioactive yellow – not even kidding.

Foods rich in Vit B:
x Salmon
x Leafy greens
x Eggs
x Beef, chicken & turkey
x Legumes
x Sunflower seeds

Magnesium is responsible for the correct metabolic function of over 350 enzymes in the body. It’s found in various foods, but many of us fall short and can benefit from a magnesium supplement, especially for those of us who maintain a regular workout routine. Magnesium can help prevent injury by loosening tight muscles.

Magnesium can
x Improve exercise performance
x Reduce migraines
x Relax aching and tense muscles
x Reduce post workout muscle soreness
x Help with nightly teeth grinding/clenching

I take this Magnesium Citrate Supplement nightly before bed. Just be weary to start with a small dose as it can cause stomach upset.

Foods rich in Magnesium:
x Dark chocolate
x Avocados & leafy greens
x Nuts
x Legumes & seeds
x Bananas


There is big debate if probiotics are necessary to take daily. I have cycled on and off of them for years, and do notice an improvement in my IBS symptoms when I take them regularly. Probiotics are the naturally occurring good bacteria that live in our gut. They help balance and increase good bacteria in your digestive system. They are usually recommended to people that suffer from IBS and other digestive issues, and can help improve digestion and strengthen immunity.

I take Nova Probiotics daily with my breakfast.

Foods rich in probiotics:
x Fermented foods like:
x Yogurt
x Kefir
x Sauerkraut & kimchi
x Tempeh
x Miso

What supplements do you take right now?
