Perfect donut holes to satisfy your sweet tooth! 

If you know me at all you know that I am a donut fiend – to the point where I will say “screw it” to my gluten allergy and go for a chocolate glazed gluten-filled donut… only to suffer the consequences the next day. It is incredibly hard to find a good gluten-free, grain-free donut that satisfies my cravings. But these babies do the trick.

Although these raw donut holes won’t have the same texture as a traditional donut, they are incredibly moist and packed with flavour. Don’t even get me started on the glaze! 

These satisfy all my sugar cravings. They may not be as fully or light as their gluten-filled counterparts, but they are damn good in their own right. 

Keep reading for the recipe!

Raw Vegan Glazed Donut Holes

Makes. 4 giant balls, 8 medium or 12 mini size 



2/3 cup rolled oats 

2/3 cup cashews (you can sock for 4 hours before, but not necessary with a good food processor)

2/3 cup pitted dates

1/8 tsp Himalayan salt

1/2 tsp vanilla extract or powder


2 tbsp coconut oil 

2 tbsp maple syrup

1/8 tsp vanilla powder


  1. Pulse all ingredients for dough in food processor, until combined into a thick, moist dough. If dough is too crumbly, add more dates or more coconut oil. Roll into balls and put in freezer, until they are firm, about 20 minutes.
  2. As they cool, make the glazed. Melt the coconut oil on low heat. Once melted, turn off heat and whisk in maple syrup and vanilla. It will take a couple seconds to fully combine. Dip the cold donut hole into the glaze, fully covering each one. Put them back in the freezer until glaze hardens. Repeat 2 more times, until a thick donut-like glaze forms. Store donut holes in fridge for up to a week!


